Tuesday, March 20, 2007

There was a time

There..was a time,when i thought that the environment was the one thing...that every1 ought to conserve..i used to think a lot about..global warming,deforestation,acid rain,erosion etc etc(i.e. all stuff taught to us in science & geography)..

I used to think..where is the world going at..maybe in a couple of years..all natural resources are gonna be depleted.

the cars which run on air,the bio-fuels..when was all that gonna happen...I read about these things in paper(as a matter of fact i still do).Over the years,as i have grown up..these issues have taken a back seat..there are other priorities in life..like making a decent career,settling down..and hundreds of other things,which i fail to recall now..

Conclusion :- Priorities change..